lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Drug abuse


1.- What are the origins of this drug?

In 1961 the doctors called Dr. Wermuth and Dr. Laborit in France discover the Fantasy (GHB), first, they said that is a antidepressant, but then they discover that brings sights effects.

The first person that synthesize Fantasy (GHB) drug in 1874, are Alexander Saytzeff.

This drug over the years has been used as a general anesthetic, but was extract from this market because of the malignant side effects that they produce.

2.- What effects does this drug produce on people?

The effects of the Fantasy (GHB) drug, depends of the heath of the person that consume, they can be immediate effects or longer effects. The main effects that produce this drug, principally, they slow down the activity of the central nervous system, and they disconnect the sending of nervous stimuli, going between the brain and the body.

Some of the effects produced are:

Feelings of euphoria, memory lapses, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, sweating, and others. As you can see this drug are very dangerous.

3.- What are the consequences of its addiction?

The consequences of the addiction of the Fantasy (GHB) drug, are very malignant.  Like the other drugs, the consequences of the addiction they can be very dangerous for the health of the addict person.

The consequences of the addiction are:

  • Temporary unconsciousness.
  • If it is serious the problem the addict can die.
  • Respiratory depression.
  • Physical and psichological dependence.
This addiction need a emergency medical control. 

4.- How does this drug affect a person’s body and mind?

Fantasy (GHB) drug affect to the person in the body and his mind,

How it affects his mind?:

Affects with dizziness, distortions of thought, confusions and delusions, anxiety, and others.

How it affects his body?:

Decrease in body mass, dilated pupils, violence, and others.

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