martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


Tattoos is a topic very commented around the world, many people tattoo their body for different purposes, like religion, social status, or ethnicity. But others have tattoos for art or fashion.

What do you think about the people that tattoo their body?, Are they right or not?. Here you can find a series of arguments that can help you to find your answer.

In the past, when the men worked the land, many original cultures tattooed their bodies as a  way of praise and to stand out their beliefs in religions, gods, and other elements of their culture.
Today, in the XXI century, people tattoo their body for social status, such as in the jails, “The more tattoos that convicts have, the more dangerous they are”. Furthermore, people in these times tatoo their body as a way of art or fashion. 

The times have changed and the tattoo culture is more accepted by the society, but always there is a minimal group of the population that tattoo their body. 

I don´t accept tattoos. In my opinion, it makes no sense to dirty my body up for all my life to make myself something that is worthless. If I do it, I would be a fool. 

207 words

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