lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Drug addiction

Fantasy voicethread

Drug abuse


1.- What are the origins of this drug?

In 1961 the doctors called Dr. Wermuth and Dr. Laborit in France discover the Fantasy (GHB), first, they said that is a antidepressant, but then they discover that brings sights effects.

The first person that synthesize Fantasy (GHB) drug in 1874, are Alexander Saytzeff.

This drug over the years has been used as a general anesthetic, but was extract from this market because of the malignant side effects that they produce.

2.- What effects does this drug produce on people?

The effects of the Fantasy (GHB) drug, depends of the heath of the person that consume, they can be immediate effects or longer effects. The main effects that produce this drug, principally, they slow down the activity of the central nervous system, and they disconnect the sending of nervous stimuli, going between the brain and the body.

Some of the effects produced are:

Feelings of euphoria, memory lapses, nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, sweating, and others. As you can see this drug are very dangerous.

3.- What are the consequences of its addiction?

The consequences of the addiction of the Fantasy (GHB) drug, are very malignant.  Like the other drugs, the consequences of the addiction they can be very dangerous for the health of the addict person.

The consequences of the addiction are:

  • Temporary unconsciousness.
  • If it is serious the problem the addict can die.
  • Respiratory depression.
  • Physical and psichological dependence.
This addiction need a emergency medical control. 

4.- How does this drug affect a person’s body and mind?

Fantasy (GHB) drug affect to the person in the body and his mind,

How it affects his mind?:

Affects with dizziness, distortions of thought, confusions and delusions, anxiety, and others.

How it affects his body?:

Decrease in body mass, dilated pupils, violence, and others.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013


Alternative Medicine, an alternative that heals you

Alternative medicine, as the name says, is an alternative for healing. It's a very interesting type of medicine because they use exclusively products in natural state. Thus, many people in the world try it and they obtain very good results. Why do you not?

Methods of Alternative medicine: Acupunture, Ayurverda, Chiropractic, Homeopathy, Naturopathic medicine, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese medicine, Anthroposophical medicine, Anthroposophic Pharmacy, Aromatherapy, Attachment therapy. Also there are more.

The most known form of alternative medicine and more incorporated in the chilean culture is the use of medicinal plants. The advantages that the use of this medicinal plants offer are that when being in natural state their side effects are minimal. On the other hand, in the traditional medicine they use drugs that have malignant side effects. An example of the above is the use of the plant call aloe vera, that is cultivated a lot, in places that are water shortage, for example the north of Chile.

The principal medicinal uses of the aloe vera is in the skin (cosmetics and regenerative of the skin) and furthermore its nutritives supports as a laxative. An example of this is the masification of the aloe vera in the integration in the market of yoghurts, to be a good support to improve the intestinal transit and its high content of omega 3.

In accordance to the text, we can conclude that alternative medicine offers a lot of good options to confront health problems. In addition, in Chile the most popular use are the medicinal plants. Also this type of medicine is complemented with traditional medicine and when these two types of medicine are complemented, a perfect medicine is achieved.

jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

Heart of darkness

Summary (pages 31 - 40)

The fellow of Marlow, they start talking with him, the
fellow they ask of Mr. Kurtz.

Marlow tells to her fellow, her experience in the station, they
tell that see a little ivory coming out from there, and then heard 
Mr. kurtz.

After a while talking, Marlow said to her fellow that Mr. Kurtz, they 
write letters to him, one is about the hippo, they said that an hippo they
enter to the station.

Then at the final part of the chapter Marlow said that Kurtz is a very interested
person, they said that was curious, who had come out equipped with morals ideas.


domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Heart of Darkness 

Summary (pages 21-30)

Marlow enter to a station and was found with a person that they give
information about Mr. Kurtz. 

Then when they was talking to the station enter a caravan, when they enter
all the people they start talking. 

After this situacion Marlow starts telling about his experiences in her 
travell, how survives, about the discrimination and others.

In the final part Marlow with Mr. Kurtz talk drinking a bottle
of champagne, with a light candle, in that conversation Marlow ask to Mr. Kurtz
"who was the person that talk with me in the station?", Mr. Kurtz said that
the person was the chief of the station.