Guideline Task

How to plant a tree?
This topic is very important for the world,
because the ecology in the world is very bad, we have to change that, we have
to plant trees and recycle the gurbage.
As time goes by, Ecological concience has been
increasing, in 2012 only 20% of the population has ecological conscience, and
today in 2013 the 40% of the population has ecological conscience, that its
good, but could be better.
This guideline, how to plant a tree, is
directed for everyone, to make people
aware and to begin to plant trees.
It is any organic or inorganic substance that
improves the quality of the substrate, a nutritional, for plants in withering
in this process.
Land of
Special Earth to maintain moisture of the tree
and does not grow weed around him.
This gel serves to keep
moisture in the tree and water it so only once a week.
Ø The tree
Ø Shovel
Ø Fertilizer
Ø Land of leaves
Ø Special gel (optional)
Ø Water
Ø Support for the tree.
Ø First, you have to choose the space to plant
the tree, it has to be a specific part that receives the sunlight and has
Ø Then, you have to make the hole, look that the
hole not so big and so small.
Ø Next you have to prepare the land, to prepare,
it you have to put fertilizer and water, and if you prefer putt the special gel,
and then you have to mix them.
Ø Then you have to put the tree in the hole,
checking the height.
Ø After this, immediately you have to put the support
for the tree, this serves for the tree to grow up right.
Ø Then you have to put around the tree land of
leaves and earth.
Ø After this, when the tree is planted, you have
to water it.
Ø While the tree is planted and sprouting going,
it must be pruned’.
Ø Must be considered that you have to water all
Ø If you care the tree, it will grow up very
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