The instructive text
How to read well the book "Heart of darkness"
How to:
Writing understanding and looking for in the computer the words
that you don´t understand.
You will need:
A computer, a sheet of paper, a pencil, and the book.
The stages
1.- First you have to start reading the book.
2.- Then you, have to take note of the characters and the main ideas
for understand better the book.
3.- Next look for the the words or the things that you don´t understand,
and in the computer in any platform of vocabulary, like wordrefference,
etc. find the definition of the words.
4.- Finally when you finish the book study all that you take note and the
words that you don´t understand for understand clear the book.
5. If you have a test I recomend that you read
6. Before the test study all with your friends, and you get very good